2023 Summer @ the Ivy Academy
Please find the 2023 Summer Programs at the Ivy Academy for New Digital SAT and much more. Summer break is the best time to catch up or preview the next year Math and English.
2020 Spring SAT Intensive Course
Registration is open for our popular Spring Break SAT Intensive classes! 💐🌸 With Monday-Friday classes and a mock test each Saturday or Sunday, studying with us is a great way to jumpstart your progress and prepare for a May, June or August SAT exam. Contact us today to secure a […]
2019 Winter SAT Intensive Course
Ivy’s popular SAT Winter Intensive program is happening again this year! ❄️ ☃️ Make the most of your winter break and boost your SAT English skills faster than ever before. See the attached flyer for specific dates, and sign up today as space is limited.
来一个,来所有常春藤学院的夏季烘焙销售!🍰📚🎉 7月2日至5日,为了开始我们为期一周的夏季强化课程,前台将提供大量烘焙食品和健康小吃。所得款项将捐给当地的慈善机构,帮助青少年,传播我们在常春藤享受的教育价值。 带现金和空腹!